Block Captain Map - Click on map for printable detailed view

Emergency Preparedness Checklist
  1. Stock up on food, water & supplies for you & your family for at least 3 weeks. (Including batteries, candles, flashlights, first aid supplies, toilet paper, medications).
    Stop procrastinating on this! Ask yourself, if we have the big earthquake tonight, am I ready??
  2. Get to know your neighbors and what special needs/requirements they may have. You want to be ready to help each other.
  3. Get certified in CPR and first aid… your immediate family may need you.
  4. Peruse the internet for emergency preparedness information, including “” and “”, in addition to many others.
  5. Know who your “block captains” are… they have information on who in the neighborhood has medical & other special skills and/or equipment that you may need during an emergency.


Port Madison Emergency Preparedness

Additional Links:

How & Why to Detect a Leak
Leaks can waste thousands of gallons of water in a very short time.  PMWC encourages shareholders be proactive in finding and repairing leaks to protect our water resources and to avoid unnecessary bills.  Shareholders are responsible for all water that flows from their meter toward the home – even leaked water – unless they take quick action.
Northwest Water Systems, Inc. (NWS) monitors for leaks and repairs leaks in delivery lines (from wells to pumps to household meters).  NWS also reads PMWC household meters every two months.  Homeowners are responsible for repairing leaks between the meter and the house. 
If your water bill reflects unexpectedly high usage, you may have a leak.  Also, if you notice dampness in an unexpected area of your yard, you might have a leak.  When PMWC shareholders promptly recognize and repair leaks, PMWC will reduce or eliminate the associated excess water use fee.

How to Use Your Water Meter to Check for Leaks

1.     Locate your water meter. It is usually found in a meter box in a small concrete vault near the street.

2.     Turn off all water using appliances in the home. This includes all INDOOR and OUTDOOR faucets.

3.     Check and record the current meter reading.

4.     Wait 15 minutes (minimum) although overnight is better. Remember, do not use any water while you are waiting!

5.     Read the water meter again. If the reading has changed, then you have a leak that requires immediate attention.

For more info click above on "Water Meter Access and Operating Instructions"
